Saturday, July 23, 2016

Media Ecology Case Report

Google Docs Report

Above is the link to my Media Ecology Case Report.  I hope that the link works!


  1. I love your report! It is very thorough. Your student is similar to mine because they don't always have access to the internet. I am sure every student would love to have access to social media sites at school, but I agree that it probably isn't the best idea! That is why I believe blogs and other use of the internet that allow students to collaborate and share their thoughts is very beneficial. Creating a blog would allow the students to interact but within a controlled, educational environment.

  2. You do a fantastic job of portraying your niece. I disagree, however, with the part where you say she hasn't developed any apparent skills. If you think about Chapter 7, the student-teachers felt that way about themselves, but the authors revealed how their fluency and adaptations: "As they described their digital lives, they outlined how they adopted different roles and orientated themselves towards texts in different ways. Their participation in digital environments seemed to enable them to shift easily between multiple identities; as old friend, new friend, student, colleague, peer, daughter, or mother." This comfortable fluidity from social media to taking full advantage of educational apps to complete her work to her best ability is very evident in Lynn. You might additionally want to consider that Prensky in Ch. 2 of Deconstructing Digital Natives, states that "Future wisdom will involve as much skill in eliciting relationships as in imagining them." From the way you describe her, Lynn definitely seems to possess digital wisdom.
    Also, I am glad to hear this experience has opened you up to exploring student interests. I have found it to be the key to maintaining relevancy, and they LOVE it when you let them write/create about themselves.

  3. Really nice job! Your report is so professional looking. Your student seems pretty different from mine. My has very limited access to computers at school, but is on his computer 24/7 at home. It seems she would also like to be on the computer at home if circumstances allowed though. While social media in school is probably never going to be a good idea, the familiar construction of social media can easily be applied to assignments whether that be a Facebook profile page on paper for a character from a story or a Tweet that a famous historical figure may have tweeted. There is still room for lots of application of social media in the classroom without actually having to use social media! Again, really nice job!

  4. I love how creative you were with the presentation of your report. The picture and quote was a great idea! I like your idea of having students write a list of apps they think would be fun and educational.

  5. Your link worked fine for me. I enjoyed your cover page; it really caught my attention. I am amazed that she is allowed to take the iPad home to use. Do all of the students have access to the iPads? I wish our school could do this for our students. I enjoyed reading your case study! Great job!
